Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Today went to anthony's house with yusof to play guitar. It was damm fun, i learnt lots of stuff, and i feel that guitar is more fun then before. MORE PRACTICE!!! KAN PA TEI!!!

Do i still have the mood to study? Boring =.=

Monday, June 22, 2009

Aw no holiday extension...

MoE says no to holiday extension despite having great votes on it =.=

Yesterday's BBQ overall was quite fun, ate alot and play around... Next time dun buy coke, too gasy...

Time to do my homework...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Its worth for waiting!

After so long, icefrog could release the v6.60 dota which is quite satisfying after playing =.=, quite a number of changes in gameplay and hero... (FUN ^^)

Yesterday, went visit my cousin which is in KK hospital, well my parents didnt tell me what he was suffering or what illness he had but they say is the brain problems? After that we went to catch a movie "Drag me to Hell"... (NICE)

Ahhh how i wish school faster start...

Sunday, June 7, 2009



Saturday, June 6, 2009


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Still have chances meh?

Allah tells me that i still got until Sat to wait for the call from Superdog, maybe miracles happen lol...

Learnt some guitar skills from yusof, and went to ate good stuffs with anthony and yusof ^^