Friday, October 23, 2009

Hi, long time no blog

Monday gonna go jam and make covers at Anthony's house... The songs that i going to make is:
21 Guns by Green Day - Guitar cover/(maybe vocal)
Mary Jane by The Click Five - Guitar and Vocal cover
American Idiot by Green Day - Guitar Cover/(maybe vocal)
Plug In Baby by Muse - Guitar Cover

Practice FTW!!!

My eating philosophy...
Eating 3 hours after previous meal - Ok Ok
Eating 4 hours after previous meal - Tasty...
Eating 5 hours after previous meal - Omg its nice
Eating 6 hours after previous meal - Its Delicious!!!
Eating 8 hours after previous meal - Its like Fo Tiao Qiang LOL


Monday, August 10, 2009

NDP! Wan Sui!

Today wake up in the morning, tried my luck... So sad my com just died on me... but suddenly, blue lights in it, and i was stunned =.=...

NDP was god damm fun, lol...

I finally can have some fun with my com here ^^

Tuesday, July 14, 2009



Monday, July 6, 2009


Today went anthony house... ahhh i didnt perform well, i guess i need to train more... Yusuf played a excellent guitar cover, nothing to say but thumbs up.

As me myself, trying my best to be a ambitious vocal in band Metamorphosis ^^

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Today went to anthony's house with yusof to play guitar. It was damm fun, i learnt lots of stuff, and i feel that guitar is more fun then before. MORE PRACTICE!!! KAN PA TEI!!!

Do i still have the mood to study? Boring =.=

Monday, June 22, 2009

Aw no holiday extension...

MoE says no to holiday extension despite having great votes on it =.=

Yesterday's BBQ overall was quite fun, ate alot and play around... Next time dun buy coke, too gasy...

Time to do my homework...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Its worth for waiting!

After so long, icefrog could release the v6.60 dota which is quite satisfying after playing =.=, quite a number of changes in gameplay and hero... (FUN ^^)

Yesterday, went visit my cousin which is in KK hospital, well my parents didnt tell me what he was suffering or what illness he had but they say is the brain problems? After that we went to catch a movie "Drag me to Hell"... (NICE)

Ahhh how i wish school faster start...

Sunday, June 7, 2009



Saturday, June 6, 2009


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Still have chances meh?

Allah tells me that i still got until Sat to wait for the call from Superdog, maybe miracles happen lol...

Learnt some guitar skills from yusof, and went to ate good stuffs with anthony and yusof ^^


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Its simple, stop being a keyboard warrior...

Zzz today just come back from NDP, which is extremely boring, and lol, today marcus and danish had a fight but i guess marcus didnt not and no need to fight back...

Today never go lan, never go out with marcus or something... i guess i need a good rest...

To the keyboard warrior - It seems that you are a female dog, i guess i dun need to continue to
talk to a faggot/bitch

To people who loses in game, a tip for you... If you ever lose in a game, try not to classify them as noob, cause it makes you noober, and dun classify them as loser, cause it makes you worse then it.... ^^

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Holiday! Nice...

Walau tomorrow the E-learning so "fei" (useless), i doubt i will touch it... but for the sake of 5%, i think i should do it =p.

Tomorrow time for me to battle with ting swan, this mission, gabriel is also joining our force haha... After that, 3 i will go to paris ris there for blind interview, but still i feel that its worth it, as i am desperate for money these days.... Special thanks to Ting Swan (so called ALLAH)

If anybody wanna scold me retard, you may try it on the tagboard, and please put your name thank you.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Friday and Saturday is a tiring day for me... went to lan with ting swan bodoh... Ting swan you this noob, underperform like hell sia, we shouldnt lose de!!!

lol i think i had to go find other games to play this holiday...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A very long day...

Today go to Science Center, DNA lab... Fine, its not that boring after all but it takes up my whole afternoon... Lol was teasing and disturbing the teacher, but ended up being praised as so call "well-behave" students? Hehe

In the evening, went to play basketball at Bedok CC with marcus, lol, i like burden there as they were experts in playing... "statue standing"... Hehe i will start training liao

Ahhh... still learning guitar from my band ppl, i should go find some places where i can have fingers extention lol

Monday, May 18, 2009

Money is what i most need now ROFL

Wa lessons now are just too boring these days, and after exams, i totally have no moods to study liao le...

Hey, I also dun wanna go to that boring DNA lab learning journey... i rather go home have fun playing games

Well, i need time to edit maps right! dun push me (gabriel)

Hi, Heh

Its just end of exams and the results are out, a relieve for me and now have free time to blog.

English = ??? Overall = ???
Maths = 96 (AI) Overall = 94.5
Chinese = 50 (C6) Overall = ???
Science = 72.5 (A2) Overall = ???
History = 77 (A1) Overall = ???
Literature = 70 (A2) Overall = 60+ i think so
Home Econ = Hmmm... i guess all of us get quite well xD

I suddenly found interests in games again, back to the gamer's life =.=
Well, still saving money for Guitar T_T